Xyirx offers paths that lead to adventures within your soul. -- Classical, Epic, and Ambient are what use to convey my message. Feel free to listen to my pieces. Piano is my leading melody.

Age 33, Male



Joined on 4/27/07

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Dragon's Awakening

Posted by Xyirx - February 28th, 2009

My newest piece, Dragon's Awakening, is highly recommended! Please feel free to listen to it.

Enjoy. :)


w00t! I haven't checked your songs since a long time ago ^^;

I have "listened" a lot of improvements! You are slowly getting a hang of the emotion of the songs ^^ Seriously, if you are going to release album, you have make sure it is sold to Malaysia as well, so I can buy it xD

Okay, see ya later!

lol.....I'm really flatterred to hear you say this, but well. :) If (I'm saying "if") someday the album is done, I might consider, um, you know, making a CD and send it to you right at home free of charge, but I wonder if that's possible or not. But really want that happen 'cause you (and our DT friends) are such great supporters of me all along since I was 13. ^___^

I think it is possible xD Depends on what type of mailing service you want to use. Seriously, that is nice @____@

Now come to think of it, I have been in DT for like, *counts*3 to 4 years, w00t! It was a long time! O.o I think I was 15 at that time xDD You and the others have been supporting me so many years as well!! ^^ I might have walked a different path if I have never met with you guys ^^

About the Dragon's flight, I have been listened it a few times xD I can't help but imagine I'm riding a dragon( or I'm a dragon? xD) soaring in the sky, feeling the wind blowing on my face and yell "w00t!" xD

Oh and for Dragon's awakening, it reminds me Breath of fire as well! Besides your description, I can "hear" another story as well: something like a preview for an epic game adventure with hopeless struggles at first then the brighter situations are showed later on.

These two are currently my favourite ^^

I'll try my best to get it to your hands!

BTW, there's Dragon's Heart coming out. ^^ I bet you'd love it, especially if you're moody. lol